Group at Plunkett House

Shared Wisdom Weekend highlights

The Shared Wisdom Festival was a tremendous success, thanks to our fantastic guest speakers and attendees. A special thanks to the United Arts Club, Gael Linn and ICOS at Plunkett House for their kind hospitality.

We were honoured to be joined by our esteemed guest, Daniel Mulhall, who provided an enlightening lecture on AE’s contribution to Irish life at our our inaugural dinner. Please see Daniel’s article on AE written shortly after the event.

Below are some highlights from the festival weekend. Great memories!


Cormac O'Grada
Economic Historian, Cormac O’Grada speaking at ICOS, Plunkett House


Boardroom at Plunkett House
Attendees in the Boardroom at Plunkett House


ICOS library
Attendees visited the Library in Plunkett House as part of the guided tour


Arthur Russell and Torlach Denihan present TJ Flanagan, CEO of ICOS, with Honorary Membership of the AE George Russell Society


AE and Esotericism: Dr Joan Navarre, James North and Dr Jenny Butler took part in the panel discussion in the United Arts Club


Daniel Mulhall delivering his lecture on AE’s Contribution to Irish Life at the Inaugural dinner in the United Arts Club


The walking tour, led by Patrick O’Donnell and Réamonn Ó Ciaráin began at Plunkett House (pictured top) and visited AE’s bust in Merrion Square


Music by Dara Vallely and Tom Makem at AE’s bust in Merrion Square


Dr. Joan Navarre speaks at Oscar Wilde’s statue in Merrion Square


Réamonn Ó Ciaráin and Patrick O’Donnell at Michael Collins’ bust


The walking tour at the bust of James Joyce in St. Stephen’s Green


The walking tour group at 3 Ely Place, once home to the Theosophical Society


AE and his Friendships: Linda Rosewood, Dorothea McDowell, Patrick O’Donnell and Réamonn Ó Ciaráin took part in the panel discussion at Gael Linn, chaired by Marianne McGee


Brigid McGibbon who opened the panel discussion on AE’s Painting and Poetry


Michael McKernan speaking about AE’s poetry and Art


Jim Conway speaking about Dublin locations associated with AE